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  1. 🚨 4Runner Official Debut - Info, Specs, Pics, Videos + First Look Reviews

    Kind of surprised (from what I see in the videos at least) that they stuck with that tiny sunroof.
  2. Customer Satisfaction Program 23B35 -- 2021-2023 Bronco windshield wiper motor software update

    They said I could have left it but since my appt is at 1pm they said it would be overnight and that just didn't work. Given everything I'm seeing here about it being a 30 minute job I was hopeful it could be added on the back end of the work they were doing.
  3. Customer Satisfaction Program 23B35 -- 2021-2023 Bronco windshield wiper motor software update

    I tried that but they are telling me that this has to be it's own appointment since there are two different technicians performing the work. Love the dealership but this sounds a little b.s.ish as it means another trip.
  4. The moment you realized you should’ve gone with cloth seats

    When it's hot out I flip the soft top back down when I'm going to be away from the Bronco for a while. Never come back to too hot MGV. I also got the towels that go over the seat (inexpensive from Amazon here) for when I don't want to do that. Works so far.
  5. Bronco torture test

    I believe you air UP with Zoysia and air DOWN with fescue. Bluegrass is a do not pass situation.
  6. Badlands Going Crazy with Fob on Passenger Side

    No issues on mine. As mentioned, take to the dealer and they'll square you away.
  7. IAG steps rusting after a month?

    Thanks. Ended up cutting the stud off on the inside up against the rock rail. They're on their way back to you and the new ones are on with an excessive amount of anti-seize. Thanks for the support.
  8. IAG steps rusting after a month?

    I put anti-seize on it before installing but I guess just not enough.
  9. Brakes seized while on highway.

    Is this accurate? My driveway (where I often park the Bronco) is a pretty extreme hill and I've not noticed this in the 8 months I've owned it.
  10. Window gremlins

    Unfortunately the reset doesn't always seem to work and even if it does the gremlins seem to come back after a while.
  11. IAG steps rusting after a month?

    Tried that one. We've actually stripped some of the screws and already broke one allen wrench. These things are killing me.
  12. IAG steps rusting after a month?

    IAG has been great and sent me new ones but when trying to take off the old ones the screws aren't moving. I've done PB Blaster, every tool in the arsenal and am at the point where I'm at a loss. Anyone suggestions for getting that out if they're stuck/stripped? TIA
  13. Single best modification you've made on your Bronco!?

    I'm off to the patent office to beat ya! Thanks for posing.
  14. Single best modification you've made on your Bronco!?

    Would love to see these photos as a place to put my (always present) hat is still something I'm working on with my Bronco.
  15. Single best modification you've made on your Bronco!?

    Trick for me with the IAG struts and the buckling is to leave the top in position 1/sunrider when putting the windows back on. Much more flexible than all the way in place.
  16. Creative ideas to compress the gas struts on the soft top?

    Maybe try rachet straps https://www.google.com/search?q=use+rachet+strap+for+gas+strut&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS942US942&oq=use+rachet+strap+for+gas+strut&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i10i160l3.6553j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_S2tSZNfgE6qcptQPyO-LmAk_53
  17. Missouri FS - 4 door JTops white bimini - $170

    Sold as of 5/2 with only shipping to complete. GreyZ was great to deal with.
  18. Hard top vs soft top - highway noise

    Can't speak to the jeep but we have done St. Louis to Destin in our soft top and other than an occasional noise from the rear while passing a semi the Bronco was a much nicer ride than our 2017 4Runner TRD and just about as quiet.
  19. Missouri Sold: FS - 4 door JTops white bimini - $170

    Put on in October and just took off yesterday. Was covered up all winter so it's in great shape. You'll need to purchase repacement velcro from JTops ($20 + shipping). https://www.jtopsusa.com/product-page/bronco-velcro-replacement-kit-3-m-hook-and-loop