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  1. APIM Module on indefinite backorder

    Exactly!! They clearly have the modules as they far surpassed sales expections in q2, but they have to keep pumping out new vehicles at the expense of us. They have the modules. They could hold back 1% of their production and fix the vehicles they’ve already made, but no, they made their sale...
  2. Serious Tech Issue - 12 Inch Touchscreen blacked out / bricked (by software update?)

    Yes, a few times now, and all have been very suspicious timing-wise.... It failed my second day of owning (3/20/22), I got it in a week later to find out it was this APIM issue, and then three weeks after that they replaced it, but said the new apim failed to take, but left the new one in...
  3. Serious Tech Issue - 12 Inch Touchscreen blacked out / bricked (by software update?)

    I'm right there with ya bud... I've had a screen that's been in and out since the second day I've owned it (March 20th, mostly out, and has been completely out for the past two weeks...). All I know is the dealership will reach out when the module is available (they send me a text every few...
  4. Guess the badlands isn't as weather rated as I hoped.

    This is a huge perk to the soft top. I ride around mostly with the top off, then throw it over when parked (takes 10 seconds), and then throw it all the way back when I leave (15 seconds). I usually keep the soft top windows off to do that on the fly. The other day, we had some surprise rain...
  5. Does your (fully down) soft top bounce up and down?

    There’s a latch on each side you need to manually latch down after you take it all the way back. do that and no bouncing for me at least. it’s similar to the latch above the rear seats that you need to latch in order to get the top all the way back on. edit: I’ve never used the straps either...
  6. Picked up Bronco yesterday, 8" screen won't turn on/is black this morning?

    Nope, I wasn't - am dumb - remote start works just fine. Thank you for pointing out I need to hit the lock button first!! (it's weird, bc you don't have to do that with other vehicles with remote start, as long as the car is already locked, the remote start function will work).
  7. Picked up Bronco yesterday, 8" screen won't turn on/is black this morning?

    I did check the fuse box. While I didn't remove any fuses, I did make sure they were all in there tight. It seems to be a software issue as doing a restart (power/volume and forward scan buttons held down for 10 secs together) will make the screen slowly come on, but just freeze and go black...
  8. Picked up Bronco yesterday, 8" screen won't turn on/is black this morning?

    I'm taking it to the dealer for their soonest appointment on Thursday. On the positive side, the back up camera did start working after usingI did figure out the remote start - I simply wasn't pressing the lock button before remote starting - user error haha. Edit: just went to start it up...
  9. Picked up Bronco yesterday, 8" screen won't turn on/is black this morning?

    First of all, I'm incredibly happy with the Bronco and it is everything I expected. All was working well yesterday. Then this morning, I went for a 30 minute drive to pick up kolaches, and when I came back to start the Bronco, the 8" screen stayed black. The AC/climate controls still respond...
  10. Some Broncos at my local dealer, one has paint defects.

    If you were planning on a matte wrap anyways, wouldn’t a bronco with mild paint imperfections you could get today for msrp or even slightly under be perfect?
  11. Bronco 2.7L issues - CEL codes and airbag warning light

    So an annoying but erroneous code pops up but is cleared, and then an airbag issue happens? I don’t see how the airbag and 2.7 engine are related 🤷🏼‍♂️