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  1. Ford Performance Tune for Bronco Raptor 3.0 -- still undecided by Ford

    I spoke with them earlier this Month and the Ford Performance Rep. told me to call back at the end of January as they should have more info or a release date at that time. 🤞🏻
  2. ⏳ Bronco Raptor now being scheduled for production & VIN assigned

    VIN assigned: Production date: 3/20 > 4/18 > 4/20 > 4/21 > 4/18 > 5/2 I swear at this point Ford is just messing with me 🤦🏻‍♂️😕
  3. Where to look up build date ?

    It was 9 days ago he showed me on the internal Ford tracking side for all of his orders.
  4. Where to look up build date ?

    My dealer showed me my build date is the week of 3/20 and I have my VIN & order number. Is there any place I can look online to see if my build week has changed? I’ve tried the Ford website for tracking my order, but it doesn’t show the build week - it just shows the VIN and order specs.
  5. Raptor got bumped again…

    I’m in the same boat - I’ve been sitting at Priority 01 for the past 6 weeks and I’m hoping to get scheduled soon. However, even if I’m scheduled, I’ll be lucky to see delivery by spring. It’s going to be a long cold winter in Ohio driving a minivan. 😆🤣
  6. What does Priority Status 01 mean?

    So my dealer showed me that my order Status is Priority 01. Does anyone know if this is a good thing or if it means I should be scheduled to build soon ?
  7. California 2022 Badlands Non SAS Wheels and Tires

    Where exactly are you located in Northern California?