
Recent content by DHC

  1. Hammock swag gift thread

  2. 2 Door Bronco Loses Big

    I'm a dyed-in-the-wool 2-door guy. Kids are out of the house so no need for tons of room. And, compared with my current car, the 2-door Bronco will be HUUUUGGGGE.
  3. Remember when?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers ...
  4. Just test drove a 2 Door WT ... Eh! Some disappointing discoveries.

    Regarding the Bronco's audio, check out the 'electronics' forum. Lots of discussion already among folks that are going to replace, upgrade the system.
  5. Bronco factory roof rack diagram with part numbers

    Definitely going aftermarket on things like this.
  6. Dealership Changing MSRP Deal

    Me and the other Grangetober customers have a written, signed deal for $2,000 below invoice.
  7. Dealer laughed in my face

    I've got a copy of the Grangtober-$2,000-Below-Invoice offer signed and executed by their GM. Now I just need to wait until September ... maybe ... to place an order for a MY2022.
  8. Photos: Outer Banks Navy Cloth Interior

    Thanks for these pix ... I had dismissed Navy Pier based on the B&P renderings, but it does look very nice. One thing that is bugging me is, in the OBX dash in the pic above (obviously w/out SAS). Ford just leaves a bunch of the 'hero switches' blank. Looks odd and unfinished. Oh well, I'm...
  9. Age and Reason for 2door and 4door buyers

    Just turned 50 and going for the 2-door. Kids are just about done w/ college so it's just me, wife and puppy. The 2-door will fit nicely in the driveway behind my garage, which houses the (15-year old!) 911. My wife's Audi SUV has four doors, so we're good there.
  10. Auto-Engine Shut Off

    I'm going to get an ECU flash and program it so the auto-off is not on by default.
  11. Modifying/customizing the Bronco after purchase voids the warranty?

    Google "Magnuson Moss Warranty Act" and never, ever trust a dealer.
  12. Ford Performance ARB Portable Air Compressor Kit Overview

    If nothing else, this thread has been very educational.
  13. South Carolina Interior Seat Swap - Badlands - Black Diamond

    Interesting. My wish list would be to switch the hideous bronze OBX dash with black.