
Recent content by copey23

  1. AR | FIRST EDITION Badge VIN Project

    Send me info. I’m interested. Thanks!!
  2. copey23

    Indiana Bronco

    https://share.icloud.com/photos/0kHH7xuKCZ9gyIkouh3b1Yqhw#Indianapolis Not sure if the video will come up but seeing if it works! Let me know if it does.......
  3. copey23

    Indiana Bronco

    @bytheway Hope you weren't pulling for Louisville.........I was pumped for that game and got disappointed quick. I will say they need to cut the targeting shit by throwing kids out. A lot of them are really with no intent. 15 yards and a warning, if it happens again then you get rolled.
  4. copey23

    Indiana Bronco

    Pork Shoulder for us this weekend........I do it all the time didn't take photos but whole chickens are next for me to try in the smoker. Bird Booster injection from Butcher BBQ is bad ass!
  5. copey23

    Indiana Bronco

    No scratches on mine either. Clear Bra's definitely worth the investment
  6. copey23

    Indiana Bronco

    I would be game. Southeast side of Indy here but open to whatever. There is talk of trying to also gather Bronco owners at Badlands in Attica sometime in September/October.
  7. copey23

    Indiana Bronco

    @abe Had a lot of head turns for sure. If we got stopped almost everyone that was near came over.
  8. copey23

    Indiana Bronco

    Had a blast at Badlands today!! 3 of us took to the trails!! My Lightning Blue FE, a Cyber Black Diamond, and a Gray Badlands. Absolutely amazing. Wish I could post videos.
  9. LIGHTNING BLUE Bronco Club

    You know the funny thing is I was wanting Oxford for mine!! But yes, the LB is amazing looking
  10. LIGHTNING BLUE Bronco Club

    That is awesome man I got its twin here in Indiana! Love the color even better in person. Kudos on the clear bra and ceramic, I got mine done last week and it will make a huge difference. Be careful on the freeway, I obtained a crack on day 2 but luckily Ford sent me a new one that dealer...
  11. Downtown Indy!!

    Damn. Its an Iphone12........LOL
  12. Downtown Indy!!

    Heck no I just parked it and got out and took them with the cell! Haha. The cops didn't seem to mind and came over to look at it once I got them taken
  13. Downtown Indy!!

    Not sure how its illegal but I'll let you know if it gets towed as well.........
  14. LIGHTNING BLUE Bronco Club

    Got a couple cool shots of my FE in the circle city in front of the War Memorial in Monument Circle. She loves the attention!!
  15. Downtown Indy!!

    Got a couple cool shots of my FE in the circle city in front of the War Memorial in Monument Circle. She loves the attention!!