

Well-Known Member
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Aug 25, 2020
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Hanging Rock, North Carolina
19 Z71, 06 VTX1300, 94 Cobra, 21 BL Bronco 4dr.
Your Bronco Model
Wow. Epic adventure!

My wife, daughter, and I left out on the 15th of March for a meandering trip to Moab and returned at 4:39am this morning finally to our much-awaited own beds and showers.
We left NC and went SW, visiting Rte.66 as we could, eventually ending up in Winslow, AZ.
After a day-diversion to the Grand Canyon we left for Moab, finally arriving in the dark to rest up for the coming several-day adventures.

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 1AFA23B4-560A-4B4C-8321-2279740C9834

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 8B3CFE55-6850-4CAD-87FD-043EBBD89930

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 4DB7A371-89BB-424F-BBED-794157AC443D

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab B9D85EB9-73DD-4A6E-BCF1-4CDFF221B0D1

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 766988AD-0C63-4278-B507-465227DFBA4E

We met up with a few fellow B6G friends @HotdogThud @Rick Astley @talbot @Natai @Kickit @618TRVLWILD and began our adventures.

A couple of us tackled Fins N Things after a morning of sightseeing and shopping. It was a good introduction and first-trail ride, offering beautiful views of the La Sal mountains and whetting our appetites for some non-paved fun.

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 616F5DA6-4838-4B67-9CD1-3C32F305F90C

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab A60DA153-79CA-45E0-A2D4-1126CF234B97

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab DAFF5A49-0752-42DD-BA38-8E679AA63D32

The next day we all met up together and entered White Rim via Potash Rd because Shafer Switchbacks were closed due to winter conditions.
Day 1 of it was comprised of the first half, camping at Murphy’s Hogback.
The first day offered up multiple beautiful vistas and further enticed us to venture onward.
We ended the day going up the Hogback climb, quickening our pulses and offering up the first shift into anything I felt needed 4 hi for security’s sake.
Little did we know what we would face on the last half would make that hill climb seem like a mall parking lot in comparison.
Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab BC006BC6-0039-42B7-9E0E-37AC4981632E

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 14C3CC36-6628-4788-8538-5F217F06F112

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 01857EBE-0F0D-4E41-860E-FE7956A56345

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 8FBDF165-A5A5-4E27-BFFC-C0B3FAF48263

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab D1E91307-51C7-4EF0-9B7E-40F2427D1138

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab F8B05AE2-98EB-4E52-8A6F-1BEEE1888411

The intent was to get to camp with plenty of daylight left and hang out together.
The first part worked out but the weather made it less-than-ideal for hanging out much.
Temps in the 30’s with a constant drizzle-laden chilly wind cut our campfire time down considerably.

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 2EF2682E-B063-428A-949C-E96D0CC599CD

Day 2 began with a rocky descent down the backside of Murphy’s and onto some more pretty simple, picturesque trail riding that took us really close to the canyon ledges at times, and far into the expanse at others.

I have read and heard about Hardscrabble Hill being “difficult” but none of what I expected prepared me or the group for what we encountered.

To be fair, Ford made us a vehicle that is quite capable, and for this we were all grateful.
Those of us with trail camera capability really put it to some use on those blind turns and hill-cresting “where is the trail!?” Moments.

One of the group had a friend in a brand-spankin’ new Tundra come along and I was more than a little impressed with his ability to get that beast turned and threaded between rocks.
Hardscrabble hill is now regarded as “Pucker Pass”, and forever will be in infamy as such. Quite the fitting name.

Just wide enough most of the time for a Bronco with a sheer several-thousand ft. drop on the driver’s side and rock scrabble/Mesa verticals on the passenger. Most of these pics were of the wider sections of it.

When there were shelves to navigate they were on the uphill side of the blind curves, and often off-camber, wanting to push you even closer to the edge should you shift or slide.

Definitely a challenge and highlight of the trail, I found myself radioing in to ask for a breather to collect my nerves once we were back down near the River.

I don’t have a full blown fear of heights, but more of a “dislike for sketchy heights where I could die in a fiery crash” where I can’t always see the trail over the hood. This section blurred that line for me.

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab E0A9DC64-49E9-42B1-96C9-D4BBF8D68A75

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab A7BEF5DD-C8A5-48B5-90F7-9BF09F49D56F

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab CF12CF31-AC59-4B88-A71A-AE6D6184DDE9

Once we enjoyed the muddy flat section nearest the river, we ascended the switchbacks at Mineral Bottom, aired up, and ventured back to Moab for some supper and a shower.
We had plans to camp over in Sand Flats but a constant cold rain and wind made it an easy decision by popular vote to grab a real meal and a hot shower.

The next day we mostly parted ways, some continuing to venture around Moab, some heading toward Kanab, and some headed home.

We ended up “stranded” in Eagle, Co. due to Vail Pass being snow-covered and the interstate closed.

After a late noon start again we found it to still be icy but passable.

Without the boring details of everything past Denver and points East, we covered a lot of miles and added a lot of states to our “visited” list.

I feel extremely thankful for being able to make this trip, meet my friends in person, and do the entire trip without anyone breaking anything, breaking down, or incident.

I stopped at a Ford dealer in Kansas and bought a new air filter, as I saw my MPG’s were drastically lower after the trip out and the salt-filled road spray of CO.

-11 days of travel.
-4,857 miles
-17 states travelled (8 new additions to my “been-to” list).

I humbly invite the others to post up their (better) pictures, and Videos.
below are a few quick clip videos (quite raw and unprofessional quality).


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Big Bend
Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2021
Reaction score
mk6 gti, '21 MoarDoor
Your Bronco Model
Big Bend
Some of my favorites from the trip:
Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 1679777499922

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 1679777516556

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 1679777551261

@Rick Astley getting ready to head up Murphy hogback:
Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 1679777762220

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 1679777941799

This trip was epic, and people are already chomping at the yarn to get out and do the next one. Just gotta figure out when @broadicustomworks gets around to moving out west...



Well-Known Member
First Name
Dec 10, 2020
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2dr BL AMB
Your Bronco Model
That was such an amazing trip, it really was so awesome to finally meet (in person) really great people
Dave thanks for setting all of this up, and taking the trail lead :D

I'm definately up for future crew meet up's, a privilege to meet and wheel with all of you!

here's a few of my favorites (including a couple from Chicken Corners the day after)

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0616.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0621.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0641.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0695.JPEG
Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0715.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0702.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG


Outer Banks
Well-Known Member
First Name
Mar 22, 2021
Reaction score
Charleston SC
2021 Bronco 4dr OBX MIC 2.7 Rear Locker A51 Roast
Your Bronco Model
Outer Banks
Wow. Epic adventure!

My wife, daughter, and I left out on the 15th of March for a meandering trip to Moab and returned at 4:39am this morning finally to our much-awaited own beds and showers.
We left NC and went SW, visiting Rte.66 as we could, eventually ending up in Winslow, AZ.
After a day-diversion to the Grand Canyon we left for Moab, finally arriving in the dark to rest up for the coming several-day adventures.

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

We met up with a few fellow B6G friends @HotdogThud @Rick Astley @talbot @Natai @Kickit @618TRVLWILD and began our adventures.

A couple of us tackled Fins N Things after a morning of sightseeing and shopping. It was a good introduction and first-trail ride, offering beautiful views of the La Sal mountains and whetting our appetites for some non-paved fun.

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

The next day we all met up together and entered White Rim via Potash Rd because Shafer Switchbacks were closed due to winter conditions.
Day 1 of it was comprised of the first half, camping at Murphy’s Hogback.
The first day offered up multiple beautiful vistas and further enticed us to venture onward.
We ended the day going up the Hogback climb, quickening our pulses and offering up the first shift into anything I felt needed 4 hi for security’s sake.
Little did we know what we would face on the last half would make that hill climb seem like a mall parking lot in comparison.
Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

The intent was to get to camp with plenty of daylight left and hang out together.
The first part worked out but the weather made it less-than-ideal for hanging out much.
Temps in the 30’s with a constant drizzle-laden chilly wind cut our campfire time down considerably.

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Day 2 began with a rocky descent down the backside of Murphy’s and onto some more pretty simple, picturesque trail riding that took us really close to the canyon ledges at times, and far into the expanse at others.

I have read and heard about Hardscrabble Hill being “difficult” but none of what I expected prepared me or the group for what we encountered.

To be fair, Ford made us a vehicle that is quite capable, and for this we were all grateful.
Those of us with trail camera capability really put it to some use on those blind turns and hill-creating “where is the trail!?” Moments.

One of the group had a friend in a brand-spankin’ new Tundra come along and I was more than a little impressed with his ability to get that beast turned and threaded between rocks.
Hardscrabble hill is now regarded as “Pucker Pass”, and forever will be in infamy as such. Quite the fitting name.

Just wide enough most of the time for a Bronco with a sheer several-thousand ft. drop on the driver’s side and rock scrabble/Mesa verticals on the passenger. Most of these pics were of the wider sections of it.

When there were shelves to navigate they were on the uphill side of the blind curves, and often off-camber, wanting to push you even closer to the edge should you shift or slide.

Definitely a challenge and highlight of the trail, I found myself radioing in to ask for a breather to collect my nerves once we were back down near the River.

I don’t have a full blown fear of heights, but more of a “dislike for sketchy heights where I could die in a fiery crash” where I can’t always see the trail over the hood. This section blurred that line for me.

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab IMG_0728.JPEG

Once we enjoyed the muddy flat section nearest the river, we ascended the switchbacks at Mineral Bottom, aired up, and ventured back to Moab for some supper and a shower.
We had plans to camp over in Sand Flats but a constant cold rain and wind made it an easy decision by popular vote to grab a real meal and a hot shower.

The next day we mostly parted ways, some continuing to venture around Moab, some heading toward Kanab, and some headed home.

We ended up “stranded” in Eagle, Co. due to Vail Pass being snow-covered and the interstate closed.

After a late noon start again we found it to still be icy but passable.

without the boring details of everything past Denver and points east, we covered a lot of miles and added a lot of states to our “visited” list.

I feel extremely thankful for being able to make this trip, meet my friends in person, and do the entire trip without anyone breaking anything, breaking down, or incident.

I stopped at a Ford dealer in Kansas and bought a new air filter, as I saw my MPG’s were drastically lower after the trip out and the salt-filled road spray of CO.

-11 days of travel.
-4,857 miles
-17 states travelled (8 new additions to my “been-to” list).

I humbly invite the others to post up their (better) pictures, and Videos.
below are a few quick clip videos (quite raw an unprofessional quality).

It looks like you had at least 1 non-SAS Badlands on 33's. How did they do? Or were the 35's really necessary?


Big Bend
Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2021
Reaction score
mk6 gti, '21 MoarDoor
Your Bronco Model
Big Bend
It looks like you had at least 1 non-SAS Badlands on 33's. How did they do? Or were the 35's really necessary?
My BB is on 33s, as well as the tundra that came along (our support vehicle, lol), and it cleared everything on the trail just fine


Well-Known Member
First Name
Jul 21, 2020
Reaction score
Nissan Sentra, Mercedes GLC
Your Bronco Model
It looks like you had at least 1 non-SAS Badlands on 33's. How did they do? Or were the 35's really necessary?
We had at least two on 33s and one on 31s. Cleared everything with no issues.
(I know I scraped once but only because I was going a bit too fast and didn't see the rock in the dip until the last second, but that's what skid plates are for.)

Didn't feel less capable than the Sasquatches at all, at least on this trail. And there were a couple times being slightly narrower was cause to be thankful.

I'll get some of my pics up shortly.



Well-Known Member
First Name
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
Henryetta, Ok
69 F100, 56 CJ5, 11 F250, 17 F150
Your Bronco Model
Was the nod to Ragweed in the first pic intentional?

Rick Astley

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Reaction score
Up Doug's ass
Your Bronco Model
It looks like you had at least 1 non-SAS Badlands on 33's. How did they do? Or were the 35's really necessary?
The day after the group did White Rim Trail @talbot and I did Chicken Corners and the day after that I did Hell's Revenge (including the primitive exit, not the wattered down 2-way road exit, and yes, bypassing the 4 primary features due to being solo) with the 2.3/MT 2-door Badlands non-sasquatch pictured.

With some armor it's absolutely possible. I came away from the trip feeling there was no need for 35" tires to tackle what I did. The proper exit is where all the real damage came from, and it was minimal. With better sliders (now shipped from @srqfabrications ) I would have done some different lines as the additional width and protection would have changed where I would have lined up hits to go in an attempt to protect sheet metal (for which there was zero body damage).

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 20230323_152345

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 20230323_143038

aired down to 20 psi before starting the run.
Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 20230323_124727
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Well-Known Member
First Name
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
Henryetta, Ok
69 F100, 56 CJ5, 11 F250, 17 F150
Your Bronco Model
Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 5BFACED7-F7A5-44F3-9E60-4CA42C74B86F


Outer Banks
Well-Known Member
First Name
Mar 22, 2021
Reaction score
Charleston SC
2021 Bronco 4dr OBX MIC 2.7 Rear Locker A51 Roast
Your Bronco Model
Outer Banks
The day after the group did White Rim Trail @talbot and I did Chicken Corners and the day after that I did Hell's Revenge (including the primitive exit, not the wattered down 2-way road exit, and yes, bypassing the 4 primary features due to being solo) with the 2.3/MT 2-door Badlands non-sasquatch pictured.

With some armor it's absolutely possible. I came away from the trip feeling there was no need for 35" tires to tackle what I did. The proper exit is where all the real damage came from, and it was minimal. With better sliders (now shipped from @srqfabrications ) I would have done some different lines as the additional width and protection would have changed where I would have lined up hits to go in an attempt to protect sheet metal (for which there was zero body damage).

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 5BFACED7-F7A5-44F3-9E60-4CA42C74B86F

Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 5BFACED7-F7A5-44F3-9E60-4CA42C74B86F

aired down to 20 psi before starting the run.
Ford Bronco Broadicustomworks (and B6G friends) venture to Moab 5BFACED7-F7A5-44F3-9E60-4CA42C74B86F
I have Badlands takeoffs. Sounds like to go out there Ill need rock rails and some under-armor! I'm all beach right now!

