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  1. Introducing an All-New Bronco Experience -- Drive Your Own Bronco at Off-Roadeo Outpost Trail Drive Events

    $495 is a more attractive price - ESPECIALLY since you are not using their (the company's) Broncos. For peeps who have not done the Off-Rodeo, its a great draw. But for those who have done it, like myself, I can see why you would rather spend that on say......an ARB Compressor :crazy: :cool:
  2. Love my Bronco The SAVSQCH !!!! Saying Hello!

    Congrats and welcome man!!!!
  3. 6 1/2 Kick Panel Speaker UPGRADE - Kicker to Morel

    Well, I wouldn't speak on it as I did not install anything myself - however.....I would read this post :) https://www.bronco6g.com/forum/threads/a-solution-to-replace-the-third-b-o-ctr-dash-speaker-with-3-matching-upgrades.33541/ It's likely what I would have done :). (see post #36)
  4. 6 1/2 Kick Panel Speaker UPGRADE - Kicker to Morel

    ANY aftermarket speaker you swap out from the B&O stock system will sound WAY better. And the MORELs......are miles above the speakers they put in the Bronco. I would recommend, however, changing not just the kick-panel speakers but, at the very least, the Dash and Center as well. I have...
  5. 6 1/2 Kick Panel Speaker UPGRADE - Kicker to Morel

    When you buy them from Crutchfield, they actually give you all the necessary install "stuff" - speaker harnesses and speaker adapters - for FREE :) w/ your purchase. Here are the MORELs I got - https://www.crutchfield.com/p_210MU602X/Morel-Maximo-Ultra-Coax-602-MKII.html
  6. 6 1/2 Kick Panel Speaker UPGRADE - Kicker to Morel

    Any suggestions on changes to the Dash Speakers? :) I currently have the Hertz DXC 100.3. I was thinking AudioFrog GS42 - https://www.crutchfield.com/p_898GS42/Audiofrog-GS42.html My Kicker 200.4 should be able to power those pretty well.
  7. 6 1/2 Kick Panel Speaker UPGRADE - Kicker to Morel

    Yes :) I mean also did go for 1 1/2 years with JUST the 6 speakers and no sub. For that time period the Kicker CSs were great actually. But then after the addition of the 10in enclosure, it was just difficult to get it "perfect." I even turned OFF the DSP on the Kicker Key amp and it just...
  8. 6 1/2 Kick Panel Speaker UPGRADE - Kicker to Morel

    Well, no need to hate "saying it" - You only do that if I doubted you. Hahahahahaha!!! ;) I never doubted! :cool:
  9. UPGRADE for Kicker 6.5 Kickpanels

    I have officially achieved sonic excellence!!! :) Woo hoo!!!! The MORELs truly helped me do this and so did all of your advice! Thanks guys! I was so happy with the MORELs I created a separate post :cool: -...
  10. 6 1/2 Kick Panel Speaker UPGRADE - Kicker to Morel

    Quick backstory.....have upgraded from BASE System to changing all 6 speakers, kicker key 200.4 - about 1.5 years ago. Recently upgraded to Kicker TRTP10 Sub, LC2i Pro and JL Audio 500.1 Amp. And.......as a recent post will show - I have been Reeeeeaally trying to get my system tuned...
  11. UPGRADE for Kicker 6.5 Kickpanels

    I have the Kicker Key 200.4.....ANy suggestions on "settings" for it? :) I currently have my GAIN settings turned all the way down. I also was thinking of using FORscan too to "turn-off" the factory EQ. The Kicker key has settings for the "crossovers/high-pass filters." I've never touched...
  12. UPGRADE for Kicker 6.5 Kickpanels

    I have the Morel coaxials for the kicks now. i think for what you are recommending I should get the MOrel Component Speakers.
  13. UPGRADE for Kicker 6.5 Kickpanels

    Sweet! - So just to clarify - you did NOT use the Morel Grills at all correct?
  14. UPGRADE for Kicker 6.5 Kickpanels

    Are 4 screws enough per speaker? Maybe 6 is better to make sure its a tight enough "press" against the adapter? Planning to also put some KILMAT inside and around the speaker areas.
  15. UPGRADE for Kicker 6.5 Kickpanels

    Hey so I got the Morels and will be installing tomorrow - did you also install them with the Morel speaker grills or did you leave them bare and just put them in the Metra Speaker Adapters?
  16. Vent Fans - Amplifier

    Has anyone who installed their amps in the original area of the SUB-Box also installed a exhaust/vent fan of some sort? I did cut out the plastic pocket and am about to put some sire mesh on it - but, wanted to see if anyone did the fan-solution.......better cooling right? My JL Audio amp does...
  17. UPGRADE for Kicker 6.5 Kickpanels

    Well, thanks for all the feedback and I just ordered the Morels :) I'll report back on how they sound after a month or so of break-in. As luck would have it, as I pulled into my driveway one of my Kickers was making a "crackly" sound......THAT telltale sound of physical distortion. Well, it's...
  18. LC2i Pro - Accubase Settings.....

    Followed instructions to a tee with my setup and I'm very happy with the sound now (the vocals portion).....but am still trying to fine tune the Accubase feature on the LC2i Pro. Has anyone just turned it OFF completely and gotten better results? Or left it ON all the time? The Bass is...
  19. UPGRADE for Kicker 6.5 Kickpanels

    Yup. I turned off all the "sound nannies" I could find :) I'm thinking of playing with the time-delay switch on the Kicker Key to mess with the sound a bit.....My oscilloscope arrives tomorrow so will also be messing around with that.