
Recent content by CanadianHorseMan

  1. Ontario ford dealers

    Hopefully covid will be over by then lol!
  2. Ontario ford dealers

    I feel so left out waiting until 2022 :( lol....Connor, this will be a loooooong wait. I hope there's more options and maybe even x-plan by that time... R
  3. Ontario ford dealers

    Saw one on the highway today. Looked good. Smaller in size (in a good way) than I expected. r
  4. Ontario ford dealers

    lol, not to be a downer...but not EXACTLY how I want it. Ford has taken away many options for reservation holders instead of rewarding them for being first in line to "not upset production schedule" ....the top for instance. Here take this grey top, no black ...oh wait the grey top can't be...
  5. Ontario ford dealers

    Yup! Pretty awesome! Nice gesture!
  6. Ontario ford dealers

    Well, honestly. You've got my vote. I'll probably cancel my other 3 reservations not only because you're actually making an effort but I also feel I want to hopefully get a later reservation date. If it comes down to me being un-decisive, I can always order from you directly (without...
  7. Ontario ford dealers

    Ya Connor, got my swag too! Nice surprise. Wasn't expecting anything. Nobody else has sent me swag and I now have FOUR (yes 4) reservations! R
  8. Ontario ford dealers

    +1 to Connor's list. Lol.
  9. Ontario ford dealers

    Well, I dunno what to tell you, you couldn't find a GT350R under $140,000 CDN. I phoned every single SVT dealer in Canada. I believe there are 33. As Ryan said above, maybe it's because they don't "advertise" the GT350 or GT350R... R
  10. Ontario ford dealers

    I am not sure where this idea came from...when I bought my GT350R, Ontario dealerships were charging 50% ABOVE MSRP. I bought it from Saskatchewan, and saved $50,000! Don't get me wrong it's not "saved" because if I didn't find it in SK I wouldn't have bought one. R
  11. More Interior Options & Colors -- Ford CEO Farley is listening to Bronco6g members!

    Hey I'm not an "old fart" lol, but those Lexus front ends are horrendously ugly. Dunno who wants that.
  12. Let's help Ford help us.

    @Nickp You forgot Black MIC top...lol. I would like to cast my third vote on that. R
  13. More Interior Options & Colors -- Ford CEO Farley is listening to Bronco6g members!

    Yes, I know that. I’m not saying that isn’t the case. They have the design already, people loved it. Of course they need to source manufacturing and suppliers. I never said they didn’t. I’m simply saying this interior was super nice and instead of going off and forcing people into what...
  14. Ontario ford dealers

    Nobody knows what will happen but one thing I can’t grasp is how they can charge ADM on a reservation. This reservation is the only reason that dealership can place the order, if they up-charge and the buyer backs out, reservation cancelled, dealer loses that reservation as well and the sale...